1 | XUE Jian: A LiDAR Based Parallels Numerical Simulation Method for Debris Flow(LiDAR データを用いた解析モデルの構築と並列処理による土石流の数値解析法の研究) |
2 | Zamzam MULTAZAM: Development of Methodology for Improving Seismic Capacity of Masonry Structures with Fiber-Reinforced Paint (繊維強化塗料を用いた組積造建物の耐震性向上手法の開発) |
3 | Kyaw Myo Hlaing: Parametric Experimental Study of Fiber Reinforced Paint for Seismic Retrofit of Concrete Hollow Blocks Masonry(繊維強化塗料を用いたコンクリート中空ブロック組積造の 耐震補強法に関する実験的研究) |
1 | Hossain Md. SHAKHAWAT: (編集中) |
2 | FANG Ziyun: (編集中) |
3 | 橋本 千宙: 高齢者福祉施設の電源確保対策のあり方について-台風・地震によるライフラインの停止を対象として-/A Study of Power Supply Measures for Elderly Welfare Facilities : Targeting Lifeline Outages Caused by Typhoons and Earthquakes |
4 | 張 叶橋: 地方自治体の災害時人員配置の最適化に向けたシミュレーションモデルの開発/Development of a Simulation Model for Optimizing Local Government Disaster Manpower Assignment |
5 | 伊藤 嘉信: 災害対策トレーニングプログラム構築のための 災害対策業務の整理/Organizing disaster management operations for the development of a disaster management training program |
1 | Timisina Kishor: Development of Model Updating in 3D AEM to Improve the Numerical Modeling of Existing RC Frame Buildings |
2 | Lynn Htet Myo: Seismic Performance Evaluation and Retrofitting of Timber-Masonry Mixed Structures in Sagaing City |
3 | Theo RADUSZYNSKI: Open data-based methods of spatial analysis for the assessment and representation of vulnerability and risk to natural disasters in Japan |
4 | 加賀美琴音: Enhancing Disaster Preparedness: Evaluation and Cost Analysis of Emergency Toilet Systems for Evacuation centres in Japan |
1 | ENGR. ABDUL LATIF HELALY: Comprehensive Approach to Urban Earthquake Resilience of Dhaka Metropolitan Development Plan Area of Bangladesh |
2 | 伊東 恵朗: Research on the effect of evacuation completion time by evacuation support in an elderly facility during flood disasters |
3 | 岡村智優: Effective Use of Twitter to Promote Appropriate Disaster Behavior - Focusing on Heavy Rain Disasters |
1 | 市川 恭吾: Research on disaster information collection and decision-making in local government disaster response |
2 | 松本 伊織: Basic research on the effective use of employees during disaster response in municipalities |
3 | 安井 あり紗: Research on the acquisition of evacuee information during disasters - Focusing on evacuations during the COVID-19 pandemic |
4 | 西崎 航貴: Analysis and revision of specialized knowledge in disaster response |
2021 Mar.
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7 | 谷口 幸弥:空撮画像を用いた自然災害後の建物被害の検出と被害情報の共有手法の構築 |
2020 Sep.
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3 | YU Fangzhou:Research on Vehicle Routing Optimization in the Case of Push-Type Material Transportation | |||
4 | LI Qingzhou:Indoor navigation based on a modified semi-fingerprint RSS positioning 修正半指紋RSSポジショニングに基づく室内ナビゲーションの研究 | |||
5 | CHEONG Senwa:Internal crowdsourcing of disaster information on social media |
2020 Mar.
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2 | 福島尚志:MASによる人の属性を考慮した避難行動分析 | |||
3 | 廣部佑哉:復興まちづくりにおける土地買い上げによる費用削減および期間短縮効果の検討 |
2019 Sep.
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2 | 稲田一心:音声AIによる災害対応ツールの開発 |
2019 Mar.
1 | 伊藤 佑馬:リモートセンシングを用いた浸水深推定手法の開発 | |||
2 | 木村 祐介:スマートフォン内蔵センサを用いた多様な地震動の再現を支援するアプリケーションの開発 Development of application to support simulation of various earthquake shaking by Smart Phone built-in sensor | |||
3 | 加藤 孝典:将来の人口減少を考慮した日本の土砂災害リスクの軽減方策の研究 | |||
4 | 関 日菜々:避難支援情報が津波避難行動に与える効果の定量的評価 Quantitative evaluation of evacuation support information for a tsunami evacuation |
2018 Sep.
1 | Eka JULIAFAD:Development of Assessment Tools for Disaster Reduction of RC Building due to Future Mega Earthquake in Padang City Indonesia パダン市(インドネシア)の将来の巨大地震による災害軽減の ための鉄筋コンクリート構造物の耐震性評価ツールの開発 | |||
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3 | 王 小帆:Application of Continuous Cladding as a Passive Energy Dissipation Device 受動エネルギー散逸のための連続クラディングシステムの応用 | |||
4 | [PEAK Award]河野 祐介:Evaluating the Seismic Vulnerability of Bamboo and Wooden Stilt Houses in Yangon, Myanmar |
2018 Mar.
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2017 Sep.
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2 | WEERAKKODI ARACHCHIGE Chanaka PRABHATH:Experimental Investigation on the Development of Composite Interlocking Masonry towards the Enhanced Seismic Resistance of Non-engineered Masonry houses インターロッキング型レンガを用いたノンエンジニアード建物の 耐震性向上策に関する実験的研究 |
2017 Mar.
1 | Mehrdad SADEGHZADEH NAZARI:Development of a New Compact Tuned Roller Mass Damper System ローラーを用いた新型コンパクト同調マスダンパーの開発 | |||
2 | Chaitanya GADAGAMMA KRISHNA:システム同定と数値解析を用いた鉄筋コンクリート建物の耐震性評価法の改善 | |||
3 | 木村 優太:防災意識の低い市民への防災啓発アプローチの提案 ―関東圏の大学生を対象として― | |||
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6 | 木村 祐介:スマホを用いた簡易起振装置の再現性支援アプリの開発 |
2016 Sep.
1 | Aung KO MIN:Development of Earthquake Fragility Curves for Existing Reinforced Concrete Buildings in Yangon, Myanmar |
2016 Mar.
1 | Niwat APICHARTBUTRA:Comprehensive evaluation and practical improvement of a country's disaster resilience 国を単位とした災害レジリエンスの総合的な評価とその向上策に関する研究 | |||
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2015 Sep.
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2015 Mar.
1 | Ramesh GURAGAIN:Development of Earthquake Risk Assessment System for Nepal ネパールを対象とした地震リスク評価システムの開発 |
2 | 田中 啓太郎:人口減少を考慮した津波被災地再編事業の効果測定 | |||
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5 | 西口 綾香:緊急地震速報の震度予測精度の検証と新しい発表基準の提案 | |||
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