発表論文 Research Achievements

目黒公郎教授 研究業績一覧 過去1000を超える論文・報告 Research Publications by Prof. Kimiro Meguro


A:生研報告,生産研究,B:著書・訳書,C:学・協会誌,論文誌等,D:国際会議講演論文集等, E:国内学会講演論文集等,F:調査報告等,G:一般雑誌,その他

 1 GADAGAMMA Chaitanya Krishna, Numeyoshi NUMADA, Kimiro MEGURO: Material Property Identification using Operational Modal Analysis and Experimental Modal Analysis, SEISAN KENKYU, Vol. 72, No.4, pp. 297-302, 2020.
2 Tomoko MATSUSHITA, Aya KUBOTA, Kimiro MEGURO: A Study of evacuation risk in the Central business district of Yangon City and discussion on the role of Back Drainage Space, SEISAN KENKYU, Vol. 72, No.4, pp. 293-295, 2020.
3 井上 雅志, 塚田 博明, 目黒 公郎: 東京大学生産技術研究所 e-防災マニュアルの開発、生産研究、72巻, 4号, pp. 289-292、2020.
4 目黒 公郎, 伊藤 涼:巨大地震津波災害の事前復旧プロセスの検討に向けた災害復旧工事の調査分析 ―東日本大震災から南海トラフ地震の復興へ―、生産研究、72巻, 4号, pp. 303-307、2020.
5 目黒 公郎: 特集に際して 2020年ICUS特集:最終年度を迎えるに当たって, 生産研究、72巻, 4号, pp. 277-278、2020.
6 皆川 敦也, 池田 隆明, 目黒 公郎, 松本 拓未, 郷右近 英臣, Naing Tun: ヤンゴン市内の地盤増幅率の推定, 生産研究, 72巻, 6号, pp.405-409, 2020.
7 松下朋子,窪田亜矢,目黒公郎:ミャンマー国ヤンゴン中心市街地の街区避難リスクに関する現状と背割り排水用空間の役割に関する研究, 生産研究, 72巻, 4号, pp.293-295, 2020.

 1 目黒 公郎: 在宅避難生活のススメ, pp. 48、2020.9.

1 M.S.Hossain, C.K.Gadagamma, Y.Bhattacharya, M.Numada, N.Morimura, K.Meguro: Integration of smart watch and Geographic Information System (GIS) to identify post-earthquake critical rescue area part. I. Development of the system, Journal of Progress in Disaster Science, Volume 7, 100116, 2020.
2 Ge, P., Gokon, H., Meguro, K.: A review on synthetic aperture radar-based building damage assessment in disasters. Remote Sensing of Environment, 240, 111693, 2020
3 Shinji Akitomi, Akira Koyama, Tomohiro Kokogawa, Yuji Maeda, Reo Kimura, Keiko Tamura, Haruo Hayashi, Kimiro Meguro: A Study on Disaster Medical Response During the Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster Based on the Emergency Support Function – Nine Days at Iwate Prefecture from Hyperacute to Subacute Phase –, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 41-52, 2020.2.
4 Osamu Murao, Tomohiro Tanaka, Kimiro Meguro, Theing Shwe: Earthquake Building Collapse Risk Estimation for 2040 in Yangon, Myanmar, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 387-406, 2020.3.
5 Khin Myat Kyaw, Chaitanya Krishna Gadagamma, Kyaw Kyaw, Hideomi Gokon, Osamu Murao, Kimiro Meguro: Seismic Fragility Analysis of Poorly Built Timber Buildings in Yangon Slum Areas, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 407-415, 2020. 3.
6 Tun Naing, Su Thinzar, Muneyoshi Numada, Khin Than Yu, Kimiro Meguro: Acquisition of Ground Information in Downtown Yangon for Bosai Operation Support System, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 377-386, 2020. 3.
7 Kimiro Meguro, Yudai Honma: Special Issue on SATREPS Myanmar Project Part 2: Development of a Comprehensive Disaster Resilience System and Collaboration Platform in Myanmar, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 15, No. 3, p.241, 2020. 3.
8 Yudai Honma, Kimiro Meguro: Traffic Impacts of On-Street Parking Cars on Secondary North-South Streets in Downtown Yangon, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 520-529, June 2020.

1 Osamu Murao, Takaaki Ikeda, Mikio Koshihara, Kimiro Meguro, Theingi Shwe: Re-evaluation of Building Collapse Risk in Yangon Based on Obtained Dataset by Field Surveys, Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 8a-0003, September, 2020.
2 Masashi Inoue, Muneyoshi Numada, Kimiro Meguro: Structuration and Visualization of Standing Order on Natural Disaster Management in Myanmar, Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 6f-0005, September, 2020.
3 Ganesh Kumar Jimee, Kimiro Meguro, Amod Mani Dixit: IDENTIFIED GAPS BETWEEN PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE AS REVEALED DURING 2015 GORKHA EARTHQUAKE, Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 10a-0022, September, 2020.
4 Pinglan GE, Kimiro Meguro: GIS-BASED STATISTICAL LANDSLIDE HAZARD ANALYSIS: A STUDY ON THE 2018 HOKKAIDO EARTHQUAKE-TRIGGERED LANDSLIDES, Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 4a-0009, September, 2020.
5 Khin Myat Kyaw, Kimiro Meguro: Numerical Modeling of Mid-rise Reinforced Concrete Building Incorporation of Soil-structure-interaction for Different Soil Conditions with AEM, Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 4c-0035, September, 2020.
6 Kenjiro Yamamoto, Shanthanu Rajasekharan, Kimiro Meguro: Study on Moisture Effects on Masonry retrofitted with Fiber Reinforced Paint, Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 9e-0010, September, 2020.
7 Ganesh Kumar Jimee, K. Meguro, A. M. Dixit, Aditya Tamang: DISASTER RISK REDUCTION AND MANAGEMENT AT LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN NEPAL: POLICIES CHALLENGES & ROAD AHEAD, Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 6f-0008, September, 2020.
8 Muneyoshi Numada, Masashi Inoue, Kimiro Meguro: Development of cross-sector coordination system based on the process technology, Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 6f-0009, September, 2020.
9 Kimiro MEGURO: LESSONS LEARNT FROM RESPONSE AND RECONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES AFTER THE 2011 GREAT EAST JAPAN EARTHQUAKE, Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 10a-0035, September, 2020.
10 Eka Juliafad, Kimiro Meguro: SEISMIC FRAGILITY FUNCTION FOR LOW STOREY RC BUILDING IN INDONESIA CONSIDERING ACTUAL CONCRETE STRENGTH, Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 3b-0074, September, 2020.
11 Sabine Kast, Kimiro Meguro, Devis Sonda, Hideki Kit Miyamoto, Amir Gilani: Seismic Retrofitting of Earthquake Damaged UNESCO Palace in Nepal, Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 3d-0023, September, 2020.
12 Sabine Kast, Kimiro Meguro, Hideki Kit Miyamoto, Amir Gilani: Probabilistic Seismic Risk Analysis for Disaster Scenario Planning and Improving Disaster Risk and Emergency Management Policy, Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 6f-0012, September, 2020.
13 Ramesh Guragain, Surya Narayan Shrestha, Suman Pradhan, Kimiro Meguro: NUMERICALLY DEVELOPPED AND FIELD OBSERVED SEISMIC FRAGILITY FUNCTIONS FOR NEPALESE BUILDINGS, Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 8d-0013, September, 2020.
14 Mehrdad Sadeghzadeh Nazari, Kimiro Meguro, Muneyoshi Numada: PRESENTING A NEW TYPE OF TUNED MASS DAMPER FOR VIBRATION CONTROL PURPOSES, Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 9e-0016: September, 2020.

 1 廣部佑哉, 佐藤尚次、目黒公郎:復興まちづくりにおける土地買い上げによる費用削減および期間短 縮効果の検討、土木学会関東支部大会、2020年3月
 1 福島尚志、佐藤尚次、目黒公郎: MASによる人の属性を考慮した避難行動分析、土木学会関東支部大会、2020年3月


 1 目黒 公郎:第 17 回世界地震工学会議(17WCEE)の特徴と準備状況について、JAEE NEWSLETTER, Vol.9, Number 1, p.14, April 2020.
2 目黒 公郎:第17回世界地震工学会議(17WCEE)の2021年の開催日程の決定と関連情報のお知らせ、JAEE NEWSLETTER, Vol.9, Number 2, p.12, August 2020.
3 目黒 公郎:開催日程変更後(2021年9月開催)の第17回世界地震工学会議の準備の進捗情況のお知らせ、JAEE NEWSLETTER, Vol. 9, Number 3, p.13, December 2020.
4 目黒 公郎:開催日程変更後(2021年9月開催)の第17回世界地震工学会議の準備の進捗情況のお知らせ、JAEE NEWSLETTER, Vol.9, Number 3, p.13, December 2020.
5 目黒 公郎・入江 さやか・福谷 陽:第14代会長 目黒公郎(Kimiro Meguro) (特集 歴代会長にきく : 平成の地震災害と令和への展望)、日本地震工学会誌 (Bulletin of JAEE)、39, pp.39-42, 日本地震工学会,2020-02.
6 目黒 公郎: 日常生活から“防災”を考える、建材マンスリー、659、pp.2-3、2020.9.
7 目黒公郎:大規模修繕や防災対策はマンションの価値を高める投資である、週刊ダイヤモンド、pp.72-73, 2020.3.28
8 目黒公郎:命守る「想像力」を、 災害時行動 仮定し備え 「大丈夫キャンペーン、企画特集」、16ページ、毎日新聞、2020/03/11

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